Regrettably, our NHS services will end on 31st January 2024.

Our ability to provide NHS services has been reliant on the availability of clinicians registered to treat patients on the NHS. However, there is currently a nationwide shortage in supply of these dentists. We have explored all available options to carry on providing NHS services, but unfortunately these have been exhausted, and we now have no alternative but to hand back our contract and stop providing NHS dental services as of 31st January 2024.

If you would like to find a new practice that accepts NHS patients, you can use the NHS Find a Dentist service:

If you would like to stay with us as a private patient, our team will carry on providing you with excellent care and service.

To book a private appointment or discuss your options, please contact our friendly reception team on 01803 840200. For enquiries relating to us stopping NHS services, please contact:

Please note that we have a zero-tolerance policy of abuse towards our colleagues, both in-person and over the phone.

Contact our team

For media enquiries please contact Maria McCann at McCann PR on: 07802 934246