The team at Dart Vale Dental Care and Portman Dental Care will not tolerate any form of abuse, violence, harassment or bullying in whatever form it takes, for whatever reason. We are here to help you in the best way possible and our colleagues deserve to be treated respectfully.
Our aim is to ensure that all members of our team are protected from possible harm from violent, aggressive or bullying behaviour and that we provide a safe place to work.
This includes all abusive, violent or harassment (AVH) incidents, including:
• Patients and/or visitors on employees
• Patients and/or visitors on other patients and/or visitors
• Employee on employee
Employees also include anyone engaged by the practice including self-employed contractors (for example associates), temporary and casual workers.
Our Practice Manager is responsible for ensuring that all our team members behave in accordance with the Zero Tolerance Policy.
At Portman Dental Care we define violence, aggression or bullying as:
• Actual or threatened physical assaults on staff or anyone else within the practice
• Psychological abuse of staff
• Verbal abuse which includes shouting, swearing and gestures
The workplace is defined as the practice premises and all other premises where work is undertaken as part of the person’s official duties.
Abusive telephone calls
If any member of our team receives an abusive telephone call, they will advise the caller that they have the right to terminate the call if they do not modify their behaviour. Should the caller continue to be abusive, the team member has the authority to terminate the call.
We reserve the right to withdraw access to treatment and further appointments in any event a member of our team is subjected to abusive, violent, harassment or bullying behaviour in whatever form it takes.
Portman Dental Care Awards